
Netflix 非原創作品美術圖機構

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Netflix 非原創作品美術圖機構

我們的機構為業界翹楚,並經 Netflix 測試與認可。 歡迎從 NPAA 清單上任意選擇。



Edit 株式会社フロンテッジ



Edit 有限会社サイレン



Edit 合同会社トルトゥガ・グラフィック

グラファイター LLC.


Edit グラファイター LLC.


所有 NPAA 夥伴皆須遵守「請勿超過費率卡片」規範。 這些費率每年皆會再次評估。 費率不包含當地稅項。 

1 堆疊式標誌與橫幅標誌(暗色與明色) JP¥17500 同時建立暗色及明色版的堆疊式標誌與橫幅標誌
2 本地化堆疊式標誌與橫幅標誌(暗色與明色) JP¥21000 同時建立暗色及明色版的本地化堆疊式標誌與橫幅標誌
3 Universal Base Asset (UBA) JP¥28000 Creation of UBA by sourcing 1 still-based image from the content using AVA.

Deliverables include: 1 UBA plus derivatives from the UBA: 1 Boxshot, 1 SDP, 1 Billboard (LTR & RTL), 1 Story Art, 1 Short Panel, 1 Vertical Billboard, and 1 Title Card Background
4 Key Art Adaptation Add On (Add on for Package 3) JP¥28000 Adaptation of Partner-provided Key Art into the UBA.

Deliverables include: 1 UBA plus derivatives from the UBA: 1 Boxshot, 1 SDP, 1 Billboard (LTR & RTL), 1 Story Art, 1 Short Panel, 1 Vertical Billboard, and 1 Title Card Background.

Alternatively: If Key Art cannot be adapted to UBA, artwork can be delivered as 1 Boxshot, 1 SDP, 1 Billboard (LTR & RTL), 1 Short Panel, and 1 Vertical Billboard
5 角色美術圖 JP¥21000 建立角色美術圖
6 Localized Boxshot and SDP JP¥1680 Application of localized logos to 1 SDP and 1 Boxshot in 1 language
7 Title Card Background Only JP¥4200 Creation of 1 Title Card Background - backfill only
Artwork Package 1 JP¥367500 Creative development of title artwork leveraging stills from the content via AVA, adaptation of up to 2 Partner-provided Key Art assets, and adaptation of Partner-provided Logos to Netflix templates.
- Assumes 1 round of review & revision for Netflix.

Deliverables include: Logos (4 assets: stacked and horizontal logos, each in dark and light tones), and 8-10 UBAs plus derivatives: 8-10 Boxshot, 8-10 SDP, 8-10 Billboard (8-10 LTR & 8-10 RTL), 8-10 Story Art, 8-10 Short Panel, 8- 10 Vertical Billboard, and only 1 Title Card Background.
Artwork Package 2 JP¥157500 Creative development of title artwork leveraging stills from the content via AVA, adaptation of up to 2 Partner-provided Key Art assets, and adaptation of Partner-provided Logos to Netflix templates.

Deliverables include: Logos (4 assets: stacked and horizontal logos, each in dark and light tones) and 4-5 UBAs plus derivatives: 4-5 Boxshot, 4-5 SDP, 4-5 Billboard (4-5 LTR & 1 RTL), 4-5 Story Art, 4-5 Short Panel, 4-5 Vertical Billboard, and only 1 Title Card Background.
Artwork Package 3 JP¥59500 Creative development of title artwork leveraging 1 still from the content via AVA, and adaptation of Partner-provided Logos to Netflix templates.

Deliverables include: Logos (4 assets: stacked and horizontal logos, each in dark and light tones), and 1 UBA plus derivatives: 1 Boxshot, 1 SDP, 1 Billboard (1 LTR & 1 RTL), 1 Story Art, 1 Short Panel, 1 Vertical Billboard, 1 Title Card Background.

Preferred, but optional: 1 Key Art Adaptation Add On
Localization Package 1 JP¥37800 Creation of Localized Logo assets in Netflix templates using Partner-provided assets, or the original language Logos as a source reference. Application of localized logos to 10 boxshot and 10 SDP assets.

Deliverables include: 4 Localized Logo assets: stacked and horizontal logos, each in dark and light tones, 10 Localized Boxshots, and 10 Localized SDP
Localization Package 2 JP¥29400 Creation of Localized Logo assets in Netflix templates using Partner-provided assets, or the original language Logos as a source reference. Application of localized logos to 5 boxshot and 5 SDP assets.

Deliverables include: 4 Localized Logo assets: stacked and horizontal logos, each in dark and light tones, 5 Localized Boxshots, and 5 Localized SDP
Localization Package 3 JP¥22680 Creation of Localized Logo assets in Netflix templates using Partner-provided assets, or the original language Logos as a source reference. Application of localized logos to 1 boxshot and 1 SDP asset.

Deliverables include: 4 Localized Logo assets: stacked and horizontal logos, each in dark and light tones, 1 Localized Boxshot, and 1 Localized SDP
Additional Round Fee JP¥70000 1 round of additional revision and review
Rush Fee JP¥70000 Artwork Package is requested with less than 2 weeks for fulfillment