
Netflix 首選

Hidden Figures - UBAs and how they may appear within our UI

Shadow and Bone - example of how artwork might expand on service and provide more context to the viewer

Peninsula - stills and conceptual suite

Fury - Key Artwork to UBA

Jesus Revolution - Gallery to UBA

Dead Talent Society - Set Photography to UBA

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - UBA Horizontal and how it may appear on product

Divorce Re-Boot Camp - UBA Square and how it may appear on product

This is not an acceptable UBA because Simone is not in the focal area.

This was an adaptation from marketing artwork. Although the execution is great, we can see that Black Barbie’s face will be obscured in most of our canvases since it is not within the safe area. We can conclude that the intended crop from the Key Art did not translate well to Product.